Low Vision Assessment
Most people with permanent visual loss (Vision Impaired Persons – VIPs) have some useful vision. Their vision can be optimised with updated spectacles or with the use of appropriate ‘Low Vision Aids’ (LVAs).
LVAs include additional lighting, particularly ‘task’ lighting; hand-held magnifiers; stand magnifiers; head mounted loupes; near vision telescopes; distance telescopes; binoculars; spectacle mounted telescopes, etc. Many devices can be supplied with built-in illumination which can be battery or mains powered.
Electronic devices such as closed circuit television (CCTV), computer scanners & displays, voice synthesisers, talking clocks, talking microwaves etc can also be used.
Sadly, it is unusual for optometrists to provide low vision services in their practices; however, North Lakes Optometry provides low vision assessments supplementary to routine eye examinations and these would usually be bulk-billed to Medicare or Veteran’s Affairs. We can provide LVAs and Daylight Lamps. We use a kit of commonly used LVAs for people to try and can order other items as required.
Simon has an interest in this area of practice as he worked in hospital low vision clinics in the UK as well as running the University of Bradford Low Vision Teaching Clinic from 2002 to 2005. He has also supervised teaching clinics at the QUT School of Optometry Vision Rehabilitation Centre.
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